There comes a time when a journey must be embarked upon, a time when unfamiliar territory presents obstacles that one is unprepared for. Such a time is by no means desirable, but there is something to be said for the..
Chants, treasure, gods, a curse, rain, a temple, dolls, mutilation of the flesh, lanterns, youth, beautiful scenery, fatherhood, overgrowth, emptiness, fog, risk, and greed. These are all characteristics of Tumbbad, a film that is filled to the brim with detail,..
In the midst of arachnid anarchy, are ya? If so, you'd best watch yourself as these creepy crawlers go for the jugular like a prizefighter in the last round. But then again, maybe you're the type who enjoys an adrenaline..
To be dead is to understand what it means to be truly alive, and to be alive is not to concern oneself with being dead. Funny how that works, innit? Well, Shatter Dead is a film that doesn't fail to..
Sometimes the words on a page are so evocative that they bring to mind images that are so striking that they could only come from dreams. This is a distinguishing characteristic of Next of Kin, a film which can be..
I don't know about you, but all this computer calamity has left me wondering why it isn't more commonplace. I mean, sure, the likelihood of awakening demons by way of technological means is low, and yet the destruction on display..
What we have here is a movie that isn't afraid to be out-there; a movie that is so feverish that any attempt to make sense of it would leave you scratching your head. But you know what? I wouldn't have..
Funny how an ounce of new blood can make all the difference in the world, innit? Heh. Well, even if Dracula is no hematologist, he knows a thing or two when it comes to performing a transfusion, so you gotta..