In this Jerry Sangiuliano "classic" we discover a programmer at a software company is writing software that will allow the government to take control of peoples minds.....I think.
Some pictures that Miss Izzy drew, colored or somehow else created between preschool and kindergarten, she is very proud of what she can draw and how far she's come. More of these and newer will be added as time goes..
[ngg src="galleries" ids="1" display="basic_thumbnail" thumbnail_crop="0"] Here's some photos from Star Wars Celebration 2019 from Chicago. It was the first time it was in my hometown so I was able to attend along with the wife. Sorry some are a bit..
While we didn't have a whole lot of episodes, we're proud to say that There's My Beer has a new home! We're also proud to say that we will be adding all the old episodes the new site along with..
Welcome to the new home of both The Attack of the B-Movies Podcast and The Attack of the B-Movies Blog! Originally I had thought about calling it quits, then I decided that I can't quit for multiple reasons, one is..