The first thing that comes to mind after viewing this is that trauma sure has a way of rearing its ugly head. Since it is heavily focused upon, it makes for quite the downward spiral of Terry's psychological state, and..
All Time Low has been around a long time, I mean a long time almost 20 years now and were one of the main driving forces behind the pop punk revival in the mid 2000’s...when music was still good but..
While there is less stability around us right now, for some more than others, there are a few things that always help us feel better, movies, music, TV shows, porn etc. Usually it’s the items that make us feel nostalgic..
Reading the title, you are probably thinking, “How can I develop my character by traveling?”. “It’s just a vacation, I’m just supposed to relax, right?” NOT QUITE! While it is true that you go on a vacation to relax and..
So let me preface this whole review by saying I’ve never been the hugest Incubus fan. I liked a lot of the older heavier stuff like A Fungus Among us but really never got into them like I did other..
Little York, also known as Toronto is the biggest city in Canada with a lot of diversity, good food, amazing sights. It is also a leading city in business, technology, and entertainment. Definitely worth a visit, and the nice thing..
Today James and I breakdown what should be a classic, Ghoulies 2. Building on the "evil/possesed creature" craze of the 80's and throws it in a traveling carnivals house of horrors. This Albert Band (father of Charles Band) directed horror..
Did you know even if you don't follow us on Facebook or Instagram, you can still get updated on all the new podcasts and blogs simply by stopping by and subscribing by email? If not you know now so..
So, if anyone knows me well, I am the introverted type. You know, quiet, observant, “likes my space” type person. To a lot of people that means that I am not a social person. On the contrary, I actually enjoy..