What we have here is a movie that isn't afraid to be out-there; a movie that is so feverish that any attempt to make sense of it would leave you scratching your head. But you know what? I wouldn't have..
Funny how an ounce of new blood can make all the difference in the world, innit? Heh. Well, even if Dracula is no hematologist, he knows a thing or two when it comes to performing a transfusion, so you gotta..
It is not often that a birthday party from hell occurs, but when it does, you can bet your bottom dollar that pin the tail on the donkey pales in comparison to playing with a Ouija board. But hey, as..
Got a hankering for some hiking? If so, you'd best be careful about where you pitch your tent as bear attacks are more commonplace than you think. So much for the tranquility of nature, eh? The good news is there's..